Saturday, September 18, 2010

Pokemon Black And White Coverage Starts now!

Ok im super sleep so this will be quick. The first part of the Pokemon Black and White coverage. and the Pokemon white Rpm.

And heres the rom

Sunday, July 25, 2010

we'er coming back very soon

ok those of you who read my blog (Button Mash) will know this picture means iv'e been out but i'm coming back me and lighty are working on some interesting things for the blog I'll have Comic-Con coverage from the big panels and look at the new pokemon from Gen 5 (Black and White) and my opinions/Predictions so watch this space.

Friday, June 25, 2010

**Corection** 2 Kingdom Hearts Games comming to Nintendo Handhelds

Ok during our E3 2010 coverage I reported on Kingdom Hearts 3DS being a remake of the original Kingdom Hearts from the PS2, that's not exactly the case Kingdom Hearts 3D is a completely new game that as the games creator Tetsuya Nomura said it will break down story elements of the first games

Ok another Kingdom Hearts game was announced at E3 it's Kingdom Hearts Re:Coded it's a port of the Cell Phone KH game released back in 08 hopefully this time it come to the US.
Posted by BLK

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

(3DS) "Dead or Alive 3DS" has Motion Sensing Chest Giggling

"In the end, I noticed that no one had shown a demo showcasing the motion sensing technology. When suddenly I heard a conversation from the DOA demo table: 'If you shake the system... yes, they jiggle.'" - Japanese investor

Well I guess we all knew this had to be on the way. I doubt Team Ninja would pass up on an opportunity to have some fun with the "giggle dynamics" of the DOA girls.

(Wii) Star Wars Force Unleashed 2 Wii Info

Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II
- no MotionPlus support because it doesn't fit with the title's gameplay
- Red Fly was chosen due to having a more flexible development schedule
- Wii version getting bigger support this time due to retail response of the first
- user-suggested ideas being taken into account
- no 3DS version, but the series' future installments should hit the platform
- same content as HD versions
- once again, exclusive 4 player fighting mode

Thursday, June 17, 2010

(Wii) UFC FINALLY Hits the Wii see that picture above. That picture comes from the Wii version of UFC. It looks like THQ is finally going to start bringing the Wii some more decent content, outside their wrestling games.

(PS3/360/PC) Zan-Detsu At will **SPOILER ALERT/SPECULATION**

As Kojima San said Zan-Detsu means to cut and take Zan-Detsu will play a big role in the new Metal Gear console game MGS Rising. Rising uses and interesting control set alowing the player to cut at will at almost any angle, if you look closely in the demo/trailer there is a blueish grey circle that shows the angle that your about to slice in alowing samurai like acuricy.


here it comes

Last chance if you havent played Metal Gear Soild 4 DON'T READ ANY FURTHER

Ok the story of MGSR takes place between MGS2 and 4 it fills in what happened to Raidan that took him from disappointing tool of the system to Ninja mech slicing Badass. More than likely this game will involve Raidan meeting Big Mama before the events of MGS4 and him retrieving Solidious body. told you it's a spoiler. BLK tetsu auto

WWE meets Street Fighter??

No don't be alarmed this is not Smackdown vs Raw 2011 if it I would probably be crying while I write this. The is the second WWE Title WWE All Stars slated for next year I think. The fighting style is more Street Fighter arcade style with a quicker pace during matches, than the usual wrestling game, Intros and move animation move faster the keep the pace going. Some of the blocking and reversal elements from the SvR series is used in All Stars L1 block physical attacks and R1 reverses grapples giving the fighting system some depth. With another nod to arcade fighters you can also air juggle your opponent by slamming them hard enough into the mat they will bounce giving you the opportunity to juggle them with kicks and punches or grab them for a power bomb. WWE All Stars is  balls to the wall action that will be freaken kool when it hits early 2011. This is BLK tetsu auto

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

E3 According to Penny Arcade...

WARNING: The following strip contains crude humor but hell, it's so damn funny!

(Wii) It's Official! Mario Galaxy 2 is the Highest Rated Game of all Time

You know, after reading the title of this post, I can hear WWE's Santino Marella saying, "of all the times" in the back of my head. That's right people, "Super Mario Galaxy 2" has officially beaten the Nintendo 64's "Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time" as the highest rated video game in history. WOW, just wow! Check out the nifty chart below...

(3DS) Metal Gear Solid 3DS Demo Footage

Here is some off screen footage of Metal Gear solid for the 3DS. The rumblings around E3 leads us to believe that this game will be a 3D enabled port of Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater from the PlayStation 2. The irony of a PS2 port on a Nintendo portable.

(Wii) "Just Dance" E3 Trailer

I wonder if the sequel to "Just Dance" will do as good as the original...

(3DS) More 3DS Footage

Hey Readers,

Lighty here and I'm back from a long day outside. There is sure to be a lot of news tonight so I'm kicking things off with this nice footage of the 3DS in action. While you wont be able to see the 3D pop out effect, I am surprised that you CAN see the inward depth of field. When you watch this clip, pay close attention to the Pikmin and Mario with Yoshi scenes.

(3DS) 3DS is the new PS2??

Well i'm still reeling over yesterdays press events the one thing that sticks to my mind is the 3DS. I was looking over the list of confermind games coming to the 3DS and i had a revalation, with the 3DS's increse in horsepower devs can actualy make PS2 quality(maybe a little less) graphics or at least PSP and beyond the graphics the games comming to the 3DS like:

Metal Gear Solid 3D Snake Eater

Yeah is looks like a low res PS2 game but for a handheld that is quite impresive and MGS3D is actualy an almost direct port of the original PS2 version like this next game.

Kingdom Hearts 3D

It was announced this morning (i think) that KH3D is a port of the original KH game from PS2 by the way that looks like gameplay in that pic so that a testament to the power of the 3DS (looks like PS2 donent it) this is BLK Peace Out.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Sony E3 Press Event Live Blog

2:00pm EST-
Sony conference will be here soon... oh boy :P

2:56pm EST-
Sony conference is starting

Jack Trenton comes out he warns us that there will be a lot of action. He talks about Sony's 10 year vision.

Jack welcomes Kaz (please don't say Ridge Racer!!)to show of Sony 3D gaming he talks about super star dust and brining authentic 3d to the industry

Herman from the Killzone 3 team to demo Killzone 3 and announces it will be in 3D he demos the 4th level of the game and yes there are jet packs with wings ang machine guns then he shows off an icey oil rig level Killzone 3 releas date Feb 13 2010 and it is full compatible with move and PS3D

Kaz is back and pushes more PS3D and anounces GT5 supports PS3D ShaunWhite, NBA 2K11, Mortal Kombat, and Gohst Recon support PS3D they show a montage of PS3D and Move supported titles

Jack is back and announce contenued support for the PS2 and talks about PS3 connectivity support with other media and moves on to PS Move

Dan come out and start to talk about saleig the Move controler to Hardcore audeance he bearks down the tech of move

some dude from the PS workshop explans new adventure game Sorcery bout a little boy trying to stop a "Nightmare Queen"(corny as hell) this game is exclusive to move. Move turned blue, green and red

Thank god thats over EA dude comes up to demo Tiger Woods 11 EA dude chocks on Tiger Woods and does horiibly the light on Move is pink

Dan comes back and reveals on more Move title Heros on the Move it's a Sly Copper, Ratchet and Clank and Jak and Dexter mix up game (Awsome) and he reveals a partnership with Coca Cola

KIVEN BUTLER just arived and he takes a shot and the Natal Event and he makes a epic speach

Move Launches in europe first Sep 16 US Sep 19 and Japan Oct 21 and the Pricing is 49.99 for Move controller and 29.99 for the Supmote and a Move , Submote and and the Eye Cam for 99.99

Jack comes out and revels the new PSP commercail with Marcus Rivers he talks about Metal Gear and the new PSP camera Patapon 3 confirmed and it works with the camera

Jack Trennton come back and announces the casting call for the Tester 2 and Updates to Home

Alex Evans comes up and shows of LBP2 they due a LBP2 demo you can create huge levels now LBP2 is bacily a lit version of a PS3 dev kit

Damn this conference is long Jack Trenton reveals Playstaion Plus (bacily Xbox Live) to diliver exclusive content for 49.99 for a year or 17.99 for 3 months with the first free Dead Space2 Demo coming

Another EA dude comes out ot push EA's support for PS3 thee are ready to reveal Medel of Honor content (eat it Activision) a new charicter Duce

they start the Dead Space 2 Demo from yesterday he actually battles the boss in space

Portal 2 guy comes out reping valve to bring Portal 2 to PS3 (now that he can work the hardwear) they show a portal 2 trailer Jack talks Fianl Fantasy VIX and they show an awsome trailer and talks Mafia 2 (damn no trailer) eclucive multiplayer beta for Assassions Creed Brotherhood later this year another GT5 trailer and it looks Awsome Finally GT5 has a date Gran Turismo 5 will launch November 5th 2025 im kidding it this year Imfamous 2 officaly announced and dudes got Ice powers Eat Sleep Play reveals Twisted Metal PS3 with gameplay and it's AWSOME!! its slated for next year thats it BLK signing out

(Wii) Tournament of Legends NEW Screenshots

New "Tournament of Legends" screens. Have fun!

(Wii) "Headbanger", That's Some Name for a Headset

Look alive Wii gamers! We now have a official headset solution for our online games!

-- Text from PDP press release --

The Headbanger® Headset is designed to optimize communications during Wii online gaming sessions. When used with Wii games that support voice chat, players will be able to send voice messages, converse online, and talk simultaneously in real time. One of the first titles to support the new headset is Sega’s Conduit 2, a science fiction military FPS with co-op and competitive online multi-player game play.

Nintendo E3 Press Event Live Blog

OK another day and more press events! Today Lemon-Chan and I knock out Nintendo and Sony! As the resident Nintendo fanboy of this site, I simply cant wait!

OK the conference is here and Reggie is starting things off!!!

Zelda Trailer and YES the game is Cel Shaded. "The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword" -And Miyamoto is now talking through a video piece.

The new Zelda game is confirmed to support Motion Plus!

Miyamoto burst onto the stage and helps Bill Trinnen to show off Zelda

I was right LoZ Skyward Sword is Cel Shaded Noooooooooooo It looks very nice Miyamoto uses his sword to confuse an eye on a door to open it display the 1:1 motion in this game (still kinda klunky)

Dont mind Lemon-Chan -_^ he's still a bit bitter. I think this game looks lovely and the cel shading isn't as cartoony. It's a perfect look for this game and will be sure to give this game the same level of "livelihood" that The "Wind Waker" on GameCube had.

LMAO! Bill and Miyamoto just made a "Apple WiFi" joke in vain of the Wifi issues Apple had during their iPhone4 press conference :P

The new Zelda game is confirmed for next year.

Reggie is back on stage and is talking about mass appeal games and NBA Jam. The Wii will have an exclusive version. "Mario Sports Mix" is revealed and will be out next year.

OK Boring Sales Talk :( ...and now, "Wii Party".

Just Dance 2 with 8 player dance off and the new Golden Sun game for the DS will be called "Golden Sun Dark Dawn"

Official Goldeneye Reveal!!!

Goldeneye will be released this holiday! Now we have some talk about "Disney's: Epic Mickey"

This game looks beautiful and players can use in game "paint" to erase obstacles and to create items. You can play the game in multiple ways and how you play will have a great effect on the character interactions within the game.

Kirby for the Wii. "Kirby Epic Yarn"

Metroid Other M Trailer

It's official! retro Studios is working on a new donkey kong game!

Nintendo 3DS is officially the name of Nintendo's new portable!

(Wii/DS/DSi) NEW "Sonic Colors" Trailer

Honestly, this trailer doesn't reveal much but, oh well. A new trailer is always welcome around here!

(Wii) Goldeneye for Wii Reveal Trailer

I bet Activision is very pissed about this leak. Who cares?! Enjoy!

Monday, June 14, 2010

(PSP/PS3) Rumor: Patapon 3 and Twisted Metal X at Sony Presser

Now, none of that may actually come as a surprise, as it appears that Sony has a Patapon count down going on  the week of E3. And  just posted (and pulled) images from the E3 2010 showfloor that indicated a Sly Cooper collection (in 3D!!!) will be available for the PlayStation 3.
That's all backed up by a retail source who tells us that The Sly Collection, Patapon 3 and Twisted Metal X will be coming to the PlayStation 3. On top of that a PSP version of PlayStation Move game EyePet is on the way, as is a PS3 version of PSP game Invizimals.
Sony's E3 2010 press conference kicks off at 11:30 am, Tuesday morning. Stay tuned.

(PS3) Sly Cooper 3D HD Colection Confirmed

It looks like Sly Cooper is getting an HD collection -- along the lines of the God of War HD Collection. However, it won't stop with HD. A picture that 1UP posted from the E3 show floor has a 3D logo on the corner of the Sly Cooper sign.

It looks like Sly is going 3D. Sony will probably have more to say on this at their press conference tomorrow. They really want to drive home 3D as the technology of tomorrow and they are the only console that is really embracing it. Sly Cooper 3D Collection probably won't be the only game of its kind that we'll see tomorrow.

(Wii) New Zelda Trailer!! Cel Shaded???

Numerous reports have been hitting online today during the E3 2010 conference saying a small teaser was shown of Legend of Zelda Wii to prepare for tomorrow. Reports suggest the game will be cel-shaded (very similar to The Wind Waker) and had Link wielding an unknown blade. The video also showed Shigeru Miyamoto playing this new Zelda title with the Wii Motion Plus.

However I have been unable to find footage of this myself and am only going by online reports (such as If anyone can shed some light on this, please do so in the comments. So for now, take it as rumor until we get official confirmation tomorrow when Nintendo presents Zelda Wii.

(Wii) NEW "Metroid: Other M" Trailer

With Nintendo's conference only a few hours away I cant help to be excited about the new Metroid game! Here is the latest trailer for "Metroid: Other M".

(Wii) "Rabbids in Time" Reveal Trailer

Check out the trailer for "Rabbids in Time". Last year's "Rabbids go Home" was a pretty good game so I have high hopes for this game.

X-Box 360 Unboxing Video

Hey everyone! Just in case you were wondering exactly what comes with the newly released X-Box 360 slim, feel free to check this video out!

Microsoft Press Event: Live Blog

12:53pm EST-
Well It's almost that time! At 1:30pm Lemon-Chan and I will finally be able to watch the Microsoft conference. Right now we're just going over last minute live blog ideas and playing a little "Green Day Rockband" (Wii version)

01:05pm EST-
Lemon-Chan and I decided to blog from our desperate DSi systems and to use my lappy (laptop)for post confirmations and picture uploads. Sounds like a plan to me!

01:26pm EST-
It's almost time! The wait is killing me!


01:30pm EST-
The Conference begins and starts with e Trailer of "Call of Duty: Black Ops"

01:38pm EST
...This chopper scene looks nice! Hopefully this will make it into the Wii version. :P

01:31pm EST-
Apparently Call of Duty, Gears of War and Halo are the only blockbusters this gaming generation? Um... yeah, OK. Now Kojima-San is out here showing off the first gameplay footage of "Metal Gear Rising".

01:47pm EST-
Cliffy B comes out to Demo Gears 3 4 player co-op the now mutated lambant have lazers and dead loucuts now turn into lambant (ala Resident evil 4 and 5) the demo ends with the Lambant Boomer come to battle the COGS

01:55pm EST-
Peter Molyneux shows a trailer of Fable 3 and MS revealed the 360 exclusive Kingdoms from new MS partner Crytek. Bungie rep shows Halo Reach Trailer it shows the squid base gameplay

02:03pm EST-
Halo reach is confirmed for September. The footage looks really nice. Now we are at the Xbox Live segment and Kinect

02:05pm EST-
Ron show how easy it is to sign in and use Kinect (and that Kinect works for black people) he show off Alice and Wonderland rewinding and fast forwarding the movie with gesture and voice and he shows off his lame music playlist starting wit Justin Beaiber.

02:11pm EST-
I have to say that I'm slightly impressed with the Kinect interface.

02:12pm EST-
Some hot Xbox reps Chicks talk about Kinect they show the Kinect video chat and live movie watching while on video chat kinda intersting (back in 2003 when sony did it) you can also watch live sports games from ESPN from KinectVideo.

02:19pm EST-
Two guys from ESPN's Sportcenter are now talking about ESPN's exclusive deal with Microsoft and the xBox 360 with access to 35,000 live sporting event but I have yet to hear anything about the NFL. I think they might be ducking the fact that the NFL is not apart of this deal.

2:24pm EST-
The six Kinect games are being displayed

02:25pm EST-
Kinectimals is shown a little asian girl suddenly appears and demos Kinectimals she plays wit Skittles the tiger and 2 Rare dudes come up and Demo Kenict Sports more asian people help them demo the game asian chick smokes them in track and feild they show a montage of the 5 games in Kinect Sports now there another asian ckick shows Kinect Joyride and Kart Racer (you can use the Wii Wheel) Kudo show Kinect Adverntures (I realy dont know what to say) that like the forth Asian chick in this conference. They show a trailer of Your Shape Fitness evolved.

2:40pm EST-
The Ubisoft representative is showing the camera scanning process of Your Shape Fitness Evolved. Now remember this franchise started on the Wii so I wonder if there will be another Wii "Your Shape" game. This game looks to have aerobics, rhythm exercises and martial arts training. It will be interesting to see how this game will effect the long time sales of "Wii Fit". The block punching mini game they are showing reminds me of the soccer ball game from the Eye Toy back in 2003

2:45pm EST-
Harmonix and MTV are showing off their "Dance Central" game for Kinetic. I just noticed something. I think (according to the box art pictures) the Kinetic games are being released in purple DVD cases. This game will also feature DLC and choreographers were brought in to help with the development of this game. The game features a mode called "Break it Down" to help people who have trouble dancing.

2:50pm EST-
Kinect will launch on November 4th. Lucas Arts will be creating a Kinect star wars game for the 360 that will be released next year.

2:52pm EST
Forza will be Kinect compatible. Runs at 60 frames per second. You can now check out your car by "walking around"

2:56pm EST
The X-Box franchise is now 10 years old. The redesigned 360 is confirmed! "slicker, smaller and with a whisper drive" it will cost the same price. and ships out this week.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Project Natal Officially Renamed

After months of waiting and wondering, it looks like we now have the official name of Project Natal. "Kinect" will be Microsoft's first foray into the world of motion controlled gaming. The name was revealed earlier today at a special Pre E3 event that will be shown to the rest of us later this week.


LOS ANGELES — There's a growing movement in video games — motion control. And Microsoft's latest twist: Its new system for the Xbox 360, dubbed Kinect and being unveiled this week, requires no controller at all.
Nintendo started the wave with simplified, wireless, movement-sensing Wii controllers in late 2006. Since then, consumers have bought more than 28 million Wiis. (In comparison, sales of Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 are about 20 million and 12.3 million, respectively.)

At the Electronic Entertainment Expo game convention beginning today, both Sony and Microsoft will reveal new details about their motion control systems, due later this year.

Microsoft got a head start Sunday night by incorporating its game system and footage from new titles into a performance by Cirque Du Soleil at the University of Southern California. The performance troupe, which spent four months developing "a customized experience," took its inspiration for the event from Kinect, the official name of what had been known as Project Natal under development.

The 4-year-old Xbox 360 has long seemed targeted at hard-core gamers, with a controller that could be intimidating.

"For lots of people, that controller is a barrier," says creative director Kudo Tsunoda. "We set out to make a new control paradigm where anybody can get in and play, without having to read the instructions or learn a complicated set of controls."

Kinect's built-in camera and microphone (due later this year, no price set) uses facial and voice recognition to let you, for instance, log onto Xbox Live, start games and pause movies. And a new menu lets you choose games or services such as Netflix by simply reaching out and pointing toward the screen selection. Video chat lets Xbox 360 homes connect; the smart camera widens when another person enters the room.

Microsoft's Marc Whitten credits Nintendo with setting things in motion: "They have done some amazing things and brought new people to the category. This is fundamentally different. It's (about) my body being the controller (and) being able to communicate with just my voice to the system."

Among games in the works:

•Kinectimals lets you train and play with 20 different virtual cats, including a lion, cheetah and tiger.

•Joyride, a racing game, lets players use their hands to hold an imaginary steering wheel — pull your hands toward you and push back out for an acceleration boost — and their bodies to execute jumps and tricks.

•Kinect Sports has six activities including boxing, bowling, beach volleyball, track and field, soccer and table tennis. To serve a volleyball, you mimic the real motion; in soccer, you can kick the ball or do a header.

•Kinect Adventures includes a river-raft time trial and obstacle course, playable by up to four players. On the raft, playing as a duo, you and a partner must lean one way or another to steer. Jumping helps the raft reach special areas for extra points.

•Dance Central, in development by MTV Games, brings a So You Think You Can Dance experience home.

•Star Wars characters and iconic Disney favorites will be featured in separate new games being developed at Microsoft in conjunction with LucasArts and Disney.

"This is (Microsoft's) attempt to leapfrog the Wii and broaden the appeal of the Xbox," says Geoff Keighley of Spike's GameTrailers. "The questions are, 'Does the controller-free environment make (the Xbox 360) more accessible?' and 'Is it fun?' "


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Zelda Wii Pre E3 News

It looks like Microsoft is not the only ones with Pre E3 news! It looks like we may have the first bit of news about Nintendo's new Zelda title for the Wii!

before you read the following information, please take this information with a "grain of salt". Remember, nothing is confirmed until Nintendo's conference on Tuesday.

- Zelda Wii’s official title is “The Legend of Zelda”. There will be no subtitle.

- The game tells a story several hundred years before Ocarina of Time.It also answers the question of how the Master Sword came into being.
The fairy-like girl plays is a very important character in the game. Her Name is Zordiana.

- The Hookshot is also in the game and it has new abilities. It will not pull you immediately to the target you aimed. Now it is possible to swing with the Hookshot, like with the Grappling Hook from WW. The Hookshot makes no use of Wii Motion Plus.

- Sometimes you have to "draw" a specific symbol on a door with your sword, to open it.

- The Bow-Control is very similar to the Bow-Control in Wii Sports Resort, as the script shows.

- There are two levels of difficulty. Aonuma put it through. Miyamoto didn't want to include it.The Normal-Mode for amateurs. The Hero-Mode has no "Super Guide" included and the enemies tougher.

- The On-Stage Dungeon, which is also playable at E3, isn't a Dungeon as we know it from the Zelda series. When entering a Dungeon, you will not notice you are in one. It will be a smooth gradation. There will be Dungeons with no Bosses and Bosses with no Dungeon. The "Dungeon" you are able to play at E3 will be an Ice-Level. It will be the first "Dungeon" in the Game.

Xbox 360 Slim?!?!

Thats right, it's the day before the three major press events and we are already getting E3 leaks. Take a look below...

From the looks of it, this could be a picture of the rumored X-Box 360 Slim. As far as we know, the unit will feature the following features...

-Compatible with "Kinect" which is assumed to be Natal

Until Tomorrow's Microsoft press event It would be wise to take this bit of news with a grain of salt. Lets hope to see more soon!